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Spokane Sports is proud to partner with SWX for the annual Spokane Youth Sports Award, which honors student athletes with outstanding athletic abilities and strong leadership in their academics and community.

Nominations now open for Fall, Winter, and Spring athletes, coaches, and teams! Access the portal by copy and pasting the following link into your browser:
Youth Sports Awards Trophy Youth Sports Awards Badge

2024 Winners

Region Coach of the Year lines
Billy Flett Sr.
Wellpinit HS
Boys Basketball
Metro Coach of the Year lines
Ryan Cole
John R. Rogers HS
Region Girls HS Team of the Year lines
Cross Country
Region Boys HS Team of the Year lines
Metro Girls HS Team of the Year lines
Metro Boys HS Team of the Year lines
John R. Rogers HS
Region Girls HS Athlete of the Year lines
Payton Davis
Oakesdale HS
Volleyball and Basketball
Region Boys HS Athlete of the Year lines
Tomeko Cates
Mary Walker HS
Football, Basketball, Track & Field
Metro Girls HS Athlete of the Year lines
Teryn Gardner
Mead HS
Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field
Metro Boys HS Athlete of the Year lines
Aaron Kinsey
John R. Rogers HS
Football, Basketball, Track & Field
Specialized Athlete of the Year lines
Libby Roberts
Inland Northwest Wrestling Training Center / Prometheus Wrestling Club
Dan Fitzgerald Against All Odds Award lines
Ruby Floch
Parasport Spokane
Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Fencing
Dan Fitzgerald Against All Odds Award lines
Benjamin Belino
Parasport Spokane
Wheelchair Racing, Track & Field, Cross Country, Wheelchair Basketball


Celebrating a Decade of Dedication

For the past decade, the Spokane Youth Sports Awards have recognized standout local athletes and coaches. Eligible nominators are athletic directors, coaches, school administrators, club coaches, and club administrators.

Thank you to the "Fitz Committee" and the Innovia Foundation

The Dan Fitzgerald Against All Odds Awards will continue to be supported by a scholarship established at the Innovaia Foundation. In honor of legendary basketball coach Dan Fitzgerald, the "Fitz Committee" established this fund in May 2024. This designated endowment will distribute annually to Spokane Sports Commission for scholarships to graduating high school student athletes from qualifying local high schools in Spokane, Lincoln, Whitman, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Adams, Grant or Douglas Counties in Washington State with demonstrated financial need and academic success, who have overcome social, economic and/or physical obstacles to achieve successful athletic performance.

If you are interested in making a gift to this fund, please visit the Endowment Site

Event Sponsors

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become a sponsor

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Show your support for our local student-athletes by becoming a sponsor of the Spokane Youth Sports Awards, or making a donation to the program.